System Requirements

To ensure the proper functionality of this theme, your WordPress version should be 5.x+ or higher. We strongly advise that you always use the latest stable version of WordPress to fix known bugs and security issues. Additionally, you will need PHP version 7.4 or greater, but we recommend using PHP version 7.3+ for optimal speed. You will also need MySQL version 5.6 or greater or MariaDB version 10.0 or greater. 

For more information about WordPress requirements, please refer to the official page at

If you encounter issues such as a white screen, 400 error, 500 error, or difficulties importing demo content or displaying page content, the problem may be related to low PHP configuration limits. To resolve this, you can increase your PHP limits on your own using cPanel or contact your web host and request they increase the limits to the following minimums:

  • PHP Version: 7.4.0
  • Server Memory: 512M
  • Post Max Size: 128
  • PHP Max Input: 300Max Upload: 5
  • MWEBP Support
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